
It All Starts With Data

We use research methods to get answers

You can't make effective changes to your practice or company without any data to back them up. That's why MIST Research & Statistical Consulting focuses on practical data collection methods. Much of our data collection is accomplished through various surveys. We use techniques custom to your needs, including gathering small or large groups and updating existing surveys. Every detail is accounted for to produce the most accurate results.

Ask us for more details on data collection now by calling 910-409-0565.

marketing and health outcomes research company

Take advantage of multiple data collection techniques

We collect data from multiple countries across the globe to provide the most up-to-date and bias-free findings. Data is gathered through:

  • Online, postal and phone surveys
  • In-depth phone interviews
  • Focus groups and mini groups
  • Diary studies and record abstraction

The technique depends both on the question and your specific needs. Consult our specialist today to learn more about our process.