
Our market development methodology is a relatively quick and cost-effective research tool that has been used successfully to help establish the need for new products, new indications, or new formulations and delivery technologies. This approach highlights symptom prevalence, diagnostic patterns, and current treatments from the patient's perspective.

Sponsor Benefits

Support Epidemiological Assessment

Complete Market Characterization
Support for...
Strategy Development
Message Development
Execution Development

Understand Patient Perspective
Impact and Suffering
Prepare for Direct-to-Consumer

Study Sponsor Establishes Leadership Role
Support to Key Thought Leaders
Sponsor Publications
Add to Knowledge Base

"Seed" the Market
Build Recognition of Disease Importance
Highlight Unmet Patient Needs

Research Focus

Disease & Symptom Prevalence
Patient Demographics
Consulting Patterns & Diagnosis
Current Treatment
Satisfaction with Care
Unmet Needs
Comorbid Health Problems

Disease Impact
Direct Care Costs
Indirect Costs
Lost Work Productivity
Quality of Life

Obtain Patient Perspective
Drivers of Utilization

Complement Clinical Studies
Phase III/IIIb
Phase IV

Project Components

Establish Advisory Panel
Obtain Clinical Insights
Understand Market Drivers and Needs
Design Research

Implement Research Study
Screening Phase
Cross-sectional Follow-up
Longitudinal Follow-up (If Desired)

Design Communications Program
Collaborate with Marketing
Collaborate with Agency
Collaborate with Public Relations

Execute Communications Plan
Peer-reviewed Manuscripts
Second-tier Articles
Patient-focused Articles
Public Relations Activities
Professional Education
Detailing Materials
Consumer Advertising